Power BI Connector will enable a user to load data from Block 64 straight onto Power BI.
These are the steps to use block64 Power BI connector on Power BI Desktop.
1. Download PowerBI Connector here
2. Unzip the attachment zip file and put block64-powerbi-connector.mez under [Documents]\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors folder in your PC. If the folders do not exist yet, please create the folders.
3. Open Power BI Desktop. In Power BI Desktop, select File > Options and settings > Options > Security. Under Data Extensions, select (Not Recommended) Allow any extension to load without validation or warning. Select OK, and then restart Power BI Desktop.
4. Restart Power BI Desktop. Press "Get Data", you will find Block 64 (Beta) is available. Select Block 64 (Beta) and press Connect.
5. Follow the prompts to log in and select a customer or switch to partner view to select a partner if it is available. The credentials are your Combine credentials.
6. You will find tables are available to be checked and loaded to Power BI Desktop.
7. If you want to access Block 64 data for another partner / customer data, you will need to go to File -> Options and settings -> Data Source settings on Power BI Desktop, to clear any data source / permission related to Block 64 as below. After deletion, you can go back to step 4 - 6 to select and load another partner or customer data.
Data Dictionary Documents can be downloaded with the links below