In order to enable BitStream on your BlockBox appliance you can follow these steps:
- Login to your BlockBox appliance
- Under Settings, there is an item for BitStream Settings
- On this page, you can enable BitStream on the appliance by changing Active Monitoring to Yes and hitting Save.
- Once the settings have been saved and after a few minutes collection data will be available on the BitStream Control Panel located under the BitStream nav item:
- By checking a device in the table you will be able to view its details on the charts
If you need to perform traffic collection against remote devices, toggle the "Traffic Collection" slider so it displays "On".
Please note traffic collection is done agentlessly, so you will see an increase in traffic on the network. In order for users not to accidentally enable it for all devices and experience a degradation in the performance of an appliance, traffic collection was designed to be toggled on manually. Also, be sure to familiarize yourself with Bitstream Basics as traffic collection may require more resources to be allocated to the appliance.
A few notes about the BitStream Settings page:
- The settings on this page are global overrides, these are not active unless the Enabled checkbox beside the parameter is checked.
- The default settings are as follows:
- Poll Interval: 120 minutes
- Start Time: As soon as the device is discovered/inventoried
- End Time: 2 Months from the Start Time
- Data Retention: 60 days