Tag Manager
Tag Manager
Displays a table showing all the currently available tags. The table contains:
- Tag Name
- Device Count
- Device List
- Query
- Actions
There is an import option available for the tag manager. By importing, the users will be redirected to an upload page with step-by-step instructions on how to create a .csv file for import. The user must create a .csv file with two columns titled “DeviceName” and “AssociatedTags”. Put device names in the first column and any tags associated in the second column (if associating multiple tags, make sure to put commas between tag entries). If there are any devices that cannot be found “listed in the export but not found in discovery” an error message will be displayed “Cannot find device ‘<devicename>’” and that specific device will not be imported.
There is an export option available. This export contains:
- Name
- Operating System
- Associated Tags
There is also a green button in the top right of the page which allows you to create a new tag.
Create/Edit Tag Page
This page will ask you to name the tag and build the query.
When it comes to the query builder, the first drop-down menu lets you pick which column/category you want associated with the query. The second drop-down menu is for the comparative option in your query. The text box is for whatever letters or words you want checked against the selected category and comparative function. Once done, you can either add more rules/groups to check against or you can just create the tag with that being the only rule.
The page also has a list of all inventoried devices with the option to search to assist you in building tags.
When editing the tag, on the Create/Edit page there will be “Update” and “Delete” buttons instead of “Create”.