Released: 2023-10-17 | Impacted Regions: All
New Features
- COM-4053 - Change placeholder descriptions to proper descriptions within "Section Type" flyout menu
- COM-4042 - Allow the "duplicate deliverable" button to instantly add another deliverable to the list, rather than require the user to rename and save it.
- COM-4041 - Enable text that is saved within a "section title" field to be visible on the campaign/snapshot page
- COM-4010 - Combine - Update Terms Of Use
- COM-4000 - Remove the "language" column from the deliverable manager list page
- COM-3999 - Enable the language dropdown component on the campaign manager page. The campaign can then be previewed using the selected language.
- COM-3975 - Enable the typeface selection dropdown component on the campaign manager page. Campaign will preview using the selected typface
- COM-4096 - West Europe Not selectable from Customer CRUD page
- COM-4091 - Uploading ad-user/device.csv data into Combine overwriting AAD data
- Fixed AD uploads removing AAD data issue.
- COM-4089 - AI Tools - Pagination and caching issue
- We have fixed the pagination issue on AI traffic and Browser Extension.
- COM-4074 - Fix bug on save campaign request payload
- COM-4032 - All Operating Systems Export throwing Bad Request Error
- Database schema inconsistency was causing the All Operating Systems Export to fail and display a Bad Request error to the User
- COM-4028 - Widget inheriting title of deleted widget
- COM-4014 - Enable fast mode redux payload serialization
- Fixed bug where browsers with redux extension get memory exhaustion