Table Of Contents
MS Office
Operating Systems
Installed Software
Productivity Profile
Missing Software
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server Service Packs
Microsoft Dynamics GP
Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft Remote Desktop Services
Microsoft Skype for Business
Microsoft SharePoint
Oracle Java SE
Oracle Databases
Software Reports
For some software, vendors do have publicly available end of support information published. Microsoft is an example of this. The combine would have the information it can provide end of support in its internal database. We have information on Microsoft and in the Azure Virtual Desktop report, we can also show information on VMware.
We can inventory VMware hosts. When we inventory the device, we would be able to determine the ESXI hosts version, which can allow us to understand if the software is end of support, and if the hosts physical hardware is provided by Dell or Lenovo, we can pull back warranty of the host as well.
MS Office – Microsoft Office Supportability
This report is useful for viewing which Microsoft products are out of date in a customer’s environment. It also tells us which Microsoft products the customer is purchasing.
Support Lifecycle
Displays a horizontal bar graph showing how many instances of Office, Visio and Project are in mainstream support, in extended support or out of extended support. The graph is color coded; green shows the amount in mainstream support, blue shows the amount in extended support, and red shows the amount out of extended support. Hover your cursor over each bar to see the number installs in each category.
Microsoft Office Distribution
Displays a circle graph showing percentages of Microsoft Office, Visio, and Project in mainstream support, in extended support and out of support. The graph is color coded; green shows the amount in mainstream support, blue shows the amount in extended support and red shows the amount unsupported. Hover your cursor over each section of the graph to see the number of installs currently in mainstream support, unsupported, or in extended support.
Microsoft Office Install Count
Displays a table which shows how many instances of each Microsoft Office product are installed across all inventoried devices. Each Microsoft Office title is clickable. Clicking a specific title loads another page with a table containing information on all the devices associated. By default, the table is showing 10 entries but can be toggled to show 25, 50, or 100. This table contains these columns:
- Title – The specific title of the Microsoft Office product.
- Install Count – The number of installs.
The export contains one worksheet with columns:
- Machine Name – The specific name of the machine.
- Username – The username associated.
- Publisher – The publisher of the software.
- Title – The specific title of the software.
- Version – The version number of the software.
- Operating System – The OS associated.
- Support Cycle – The current state of supportability.
Microsoft Visio Install Count
Displays a table which shows how many instances of each Microsoft Visio product are installed across all inventoried devices. Each Microsoft Visio title is clickable. Clicking a specific title loads another page with a table containing information on all the devices associated. By default, the table is showing 10 entries but can be toggled to show 25, 50, or 100. This table contains these columns:
- Title – The specific title of the Microsoft Visio product.
- Install Count – The number of installs.
The export contains the same columns as the Microsoft Office Install Count export but contains Microsoft Visio data.
Microsoft Project Install Count
Displays a table which shows how many instances of each Microsoft Project product are installed across all inventoried devices. Each Project title is clickable. Clicking a specific title loads another page with a table containing information on all the devices associated. By default, the table is showing 10 entries but can be toggled to show 25, 50, or 100. This table contains these columns:
- Title – The specific title of the Microsoft Project product.
- Install Count – The number of installs.
The export contains the same columns as the Microsoft Office Install Count export but contains Microsoft Project data.
MS Office – Microsoft Office Distribution
This report shows which Microsoft Office products are installed in the environment as well as how many installs are present.
Microsoft Office Distribution
Displays a circle graph showing the percentages of distribution for Microsoft Office products. The graph is color coded, but color assignments are not pre-determined. Colors are added in correspondence with how many Microsoft Office products are present. Hover your cursor over each section of the graph to see the exact number of installs associated with that product.
Microsoft Office Install Count
Displays a table which shows how many instances of each Microsoft Office product are installed across all inventoried devices. Each Microsoft Office title is clickable. Clicking a specific title loads another page with a table containing information on all the devices associated. By default, the table is showing 10 entries but can be toggled to show 25, 50, or 100. This table contains these columns:
- Title – The specific title of the Microsoft product.
- Install Count – The number of installs.
The export contains one worksheet with columns:
- Machine Name – The specific name of the machine.
- Username – The username associated.
- Publisher – The publisher of the software.
- Title – The specific title of the software.
- Version – The version number of the software.
- Operating System – The OS associated.
- Support Cycle – The current state of supportability.
Operating Systems – All Operating Systems
This report is useful for identifying the number of devices running specific operating systems. An “exclude servers from endpoint coverage” selectable option at the top of the page allows for filtering of the data.
Top Ten Operating Systems
Displays a circle graph showing percentages of installs of the top 10 most inventoried operating systems. The graph is color coded, but color assignments are not pre-determined. Colors are added in correspondence with how many operating systems are present. Hover your cursor over each section of the graph to see the number of installs associated with that OS.
Operating System Install Count
Displays a table which shows the install counts on each operating system inventoried. Each operating system title is clickable. Clicking a specific title loads another page with a table containing information on all the devices associated. By default, the table is showing 10 entries but can be toggled to show 25, 50, or 100. This table contains these columns:
- Title – The specific title of the operating system.
- Install Count – The number of installs.
The export contains one worksheet with columns:
- Name – The name of the machine.
- Serial Number – The serial number associated.
- Operating System – The name of the operating system.
- Build – The version number of the OS.
- Service Pack – The service pack associated.
- Manufacturer – The manufacturer of the machine.
- Model – The model of the machine.
- Type – The type of machine.
- Client/Server – Is the machine a client or a server.
- Number of Processors – The number of processors on that machine.
- Number of Cores – The number of cores on that machine.
- CPU Model – The name and specs of the CPU.
- Speed – The speed of the CPU.
- RAM (addressable) – The amount of addressable RAM.
- RAM (physical) – The amount of physical RAM.
- User – The user associated with that machine.
- Non-persistent VDI? – yes/no.
- Last Inventoried – The date the machine was last inventoried.
There is also a filtering functionality. Create a filter by clicking on the create filter button next to the export button. This button will take you to a different page like the Tag Manager > Tag Creation page. Type a report name that will accurately describe what the query will return. Select your query criteria/conditions and click filter to preview the results in the table below. You can export from this page, or you can click save. You can find this report in the Custom Reports > Reports > Existing Reports section of the combine.
Operating Systems – Operating System Supportability
This report is useful for identifying end of life supportability for operating systems in the environment. Supportability is determined by service pack and end of support dates.
Support Lifecycle
Displays a horizontal bar graph showing amounts of workstations and servers that are currently in mainstream support, in extended support, and out of extended support. The graph is color coded; green shows the amount in mainstream support, blue shows the amount in extended support, and red shows the amount out of extended support. Hover your cursor over each bar to see the exact numbers on that category of devices.
Operating System Distribution
Displays a circle graph showing the percentage of workstation’s & server’s operating systems in mainstream support, in extended support, and unsupported. The graph is color coded, green shows in mainstream support, blue shows in extended support, and red shows unsupported. Hover your cursor over each section of the graph to see the number of operating systems fall into that category.
Operating System Install Count
Displays a table which shows the number of installs associated with each operating system. Each operating system title is clickable. Clicking a specific title loads another page with a table containing information on all the devices associated. By default, the table is showing 10 entries but can be toggled to show 25, 50, or 100. This table contains these columns:
- Title – The specific title of the operating system.
- Install Count – The number of installs.
The export contains one worksheet with columns:
- Name – The name of the machine
- Serial Number – The serial number associated.
- Operating System – The name of the operating system.
- Build – The version number of the OS.
- Service Pack – The service pack associated.
- Manufacturer – The manufacturer of the machine.
- Model – The model of the machine.
- Type – The type of machine.
- Client/Server – Is the machine a client or a server.
- Number of Processors – The number of processors on that machine.
- Number of Cores – The number of cores on that machine.
- CPU Model – The name and specs of the CPU.
- Speed – The speed of the CPU.
- RAM (addressable) – The amount of addressable RAM.
- RAM (physical) – The amount of physical RAM.
- User – The user associated with that machine.
- Non-persistent VDI? – YES/NO.
- Last Inventoried – The date the machine was last inventoried.
Installed Software
This report is the backbone of most other software reports. The missing software and antivirus reports are inversely built from the data found in this report. This report is useful for searching for specific software that should not be in the environment (shadow IT). Example: Dropbox.
Installed Software Top 10 Titles
Displays a circle graph showing percentages of the amount of software installed of the top 10 most inventoried software titles. The graph is color coded, but color assignments are not pre-determined. Colors are added in correspondence with how many products are present. Hover your cursor over each section of the graph to see the exact number of installs associated with that product.
Displays a table which shows the number of installs associated with each software title. Displays a table which shows the number of installs associated with each operating system. Each software title is clickable. Clicking a specific title loads another page with a table containing information on all the devices associated. By default, the table shows 50 entries but can be toggled to show 25, 100, or 250. This table contains these columns:
- Publisher – The publisher of the software.
- Title – The specific title of the software.
- Install Count – The number of installs.
The export contains one worksheet with columns:
- Publisher – The publisher of the software.
- Title – The title of the software.
- Version – The version number of the software.
- Computer Name – The name of the computer with the software installed.
- User – The user associated.
- Install Date – The date the software was installed.
- Install Path – The location of the software on the device.
- Manufacturer – The manufacturer of the device.
- Model – The model of the device.
- Operating System – The operating system the device is running.
- Server? – Is the device a server or client.
- Service Pack – The service pack associated.
- Last Inventoried – The date and time that this information was most recently gathered.
- Virtual – Is the device virtual or physical.
There is also a filtering functionality. Create a filter by clicking on the create filter button next to the export button. This button will take you to a different page like the Tag Manager > Tag Creation page. Type a report name that will accurately describe what the query will return. Select your query criteria/conditions and click filter to preview the results in the table below. You can export from this page or you can click save. You can find this report in the Custom Reports > Reports > Existing Reports section of the combine.
Productivity Profile
This report is used to help identify and consolidate overlap in products. It shows potential cost savings from using one software title rather than multiple. An “exclude servers from endpoint coverage” selectable option at the top of the page allows for filtering of the data.
Coverage by Category
Displays a list of software vendors organized by category. The categories include Collaboration, Screensharing & Remote Control, and Cloud File Transfer. Scroll down in the window for information on how much money is spent in each category per year.
Productivity Profile: Coverage by Function
Displays a circle graph showing the percentage amount of software being used for Collaboration, File Transfer, and Screensharing & Remote Control. Hover your cursor over each section of the graph to see the exact number of installs of each category of productivity software is installed.
Products by Category
Displays a table which shows install and missing counts on each software title. Filters are available at the top of the window to access specific productivity software by category.
The export gives you the option to select the currency you would like to see the pricing data in.
Missing Software
The Missing Software report is designed to show any machines that do not have a specific software title installed. This report is intended to be used with search criteria to filter the table results. The data in this report is the direct inverse of the data found in the installed software report. This report is especially useful for finding missing antivirus software.
Missing Software Top 10 Titles
Displays a circle graph showing the percentage of devices missing software titles of the top 10 most missing software inventoried. Hover your cursor over each section of the graph to see the exact number of devices are missing the associated product.
Displays a table which shows the missing install counts associated with each software title. Each software title is clickable. Clicking a specific title loads another page with a table containing information on all the devices associated.
Sometimes the amount of data is too much to export so you must filter the data by clicking the create filter button or typing something in the search text box.
There is also a filtering functionality. Create a filter by clicking on the create filter button next to the export button. This button will take you to a different page like the Tag Manager > Tag Creation page. Type a report name that will accurately describe what the query will return. Select your query criteria/conditions and click filter to preview the results in the table below. You can export from this page, or you can click save. You can find this report in the Custom Reports > Reports > Existing Reports section of the combine.
Microsoft SQL Server
The Microsoft SQL Server report will show you the overview of SQL Servers inventoried. This report will present you with the number of SQL instances by version and give details on each server. This can be useful for identifying out of date SQL Servers. Also, this report provides important information that you need for licensing (# of cores).
# of SQL Server Instances
Displays a circle graph showing percentages of the amount of SQL server instances running categorized by version. Hover your cursor over each section of the graph to see the number of SQL Servers that are running that specific instance version.
SQL Server Instances
Displays a table which shows machine details on each associated SQL instance.
- The export contains two sheets, SQL Server Installations and SQL Server Services.
Microsoft SQL Server Service Packs
The Microsoft SQL Server Service Packs report will show you how many SQL Servers have non-current service packs installed. Block 64 tracks the lifecycle of Micrsoft SQL servers. By comparing this data with the installed SQL servers in the environment, Block 64 can provide an overview of your SQL servers current supportability. This report is helpful for identifying upgrade paths for SQL Servers.
Non-current Service Packs by Version
This section displays a bar graph showing the number of service packs that are at end-of-life for supportability, categorized by SQL Server version. This graph is helpful in seeing the supportablity data at high level
Support Status
This circle graph showing the percentage of SQL Servers that are currently supported, slated for retirement, and at end of life.
SQL Server Service Pack Data
This table showing the number of end-of-life, slated for retirement, and currently supported SQL service packs inventoried. This table shows you all the service packs associated with each SQL Server version and tells you how many instances you have of that SQL service pack. This table shows all possible versions of SQL servers. The “# of Instances” column displays how many SQL servers discovered are correlate with the service pack in question. A “-” refers to a null value, and thus no instances were discovered running that service pack. By selecting a a row with a number in this column, you will be brought to a new page which shows the machines.
Microsoft Dynamics GP
Block 64 is able to inventory a customer’s Dynamics GP instance. As of this time, Block 64 does not have the capabilities to inventory other Dynamics versions.
This report is used by customers to understand what their GP instance is used for
# of Dynamics GP Companies (by Version)
This circle graph displays the percentage Dynamics GP companies that are associated with each version. Hover your cursor over each section of the graph to see the amount installed of that version of Dynamics GP.
Dynamics GP Companies
This table displays the companies found in the GP instances discovered. Clicking on the server’s name takes you to a details page where you can find more information on that server.
Dynamics Export
Along with showing the data sets mentioned, Block 64 is also able to display data sets gathered by querying a customer’s Dynamics GP instance’s .Set file. The different tabs of the excel export show data sets pulled by the customers GP instance and can be used to uncover the different types of uses in their GP instance.
Microsoft Exchange
The Microsoft Exchange report gives details on Microsoft Exchange servers, mailboxes, and CALs. This report is useful for licensing, determining how many CALs the customer needs.
Exchange Server Distribution
This circle graph shows the percentage of servers using each exchange server version. Hovering your cursor over each section of the graph to see the number of servers running each version.
CAL Distribution
This circle graph shows the percentage of users using either a standard or enterprise CAL (client access license). Hover your cursor over each section of the graph to see the number of users associated with either CAL.
Exchange Servers
Displays a table which shows what server is associated with each Exchange Server. Each server name is clickable. Clicking a specific server name loads another page with all the details associated with that server.
The export contains sheets titled Exchange Servers, Exchange Users, AD Users, Exchange Domain Referrals, and Exchange Mailbox Databases.
Exchange Servers sheet
This sheet shows more detailed information on the Exchange servers listed in the Exchange Servers table.
Exchange Users sheet
This sheet shows all associated details on all the recorded Exchange users.
AD Users sheet
This sheet shows associated details on all the recorded active directory users.
Exchange Domain Referrals sheet
This sheet shows associated details with the current and recommended domain referrals.
Exchange Mailbox Databases sheet
This sheet shows details associated with the inventoried Exchange mailboxes.
Exchange Mailboxes
- Displays a table that shows all the users and mailboxes associated with each server.
Exchange ActiveSync Logs
- Displays a table which shows a list of users that have used Exchange ActiveSync and details associated.
Microsoft Remote Desktop Services
The Microsoft Remote Desktop Services report is useful for figuring out licenses for RDS and how many CALs are needed.
Products with RDC licenses issued
Displays the percentage of Windows versions hosting RDS licensing roles. Gives a percentage breakdown on how many versions of Windows server are present.
CAL Distribution
Displays a horizontal bar graph showing how many “client access licenses” have been issued compared to the number of licenses still available.
RDS License Packs
The RDS License Packs tells us the types of Key Packs that are installed throughout the organization. The table contains:
- Name
- Activated?
- Role
- ID
- Type
- Product
- Expiration
- License Type
- Total in Pack
- Issued
- Available
You can export the file to excel. The following below contains details of each category:
RDS Servers sheet
RDS Key Packs sheet
RDS User CAL Details sheet
RDS Device CAL Details sheet
The table tells us to whom licenses were assigned – either to devices or users. This can assist in determining where RDS licenses could be reclaimed for future savings. This table contains these columns:
- Issued To
- User
- Device
- Issue Date
- Expiration Date
- License Sever
- Licensed Product
- Key Pack ID
- License Status
Microsoft Skype For Business
The Microsoft Skype for Business report gives an overview of the Skype for Business servers and users.
Skype for Business Server Distribution
Displays a circle graph showing how many installs are associated with each version of Skype for Business Server.
CAL Distribution
Displays a circle graph showing the percentage of users associated with a standard, enterprise, and enterprise plus CAL. The graph is color coded, and colors are added in correspondence with how many CAL types are present. Hover your cursor over each section of the graph to see the number users associated with each type of CAL.
Skype for Business Servers
Displays a table showing the Skype for Business servers and details associated. The table contains:
- Server Name
- Server Type
- Server Version
- Front-End Server
The export contains two sheets titled Skype for Business Servers and Skype for Business Users.
Skype for Business Servers sheet
Contains all the information from the Skype for Business Servers table and has additional details on the machine associated with the install.
Skype for Business Users sheet
Contains all the information from the Skype for Business Users table.
Skype for Business Users
Displays a table showing which users are associated with which servers. The table has the following categories below:
- User
- SIP Name
- Server
- Server Type
- Standard CAL
- Enterprise CAL
- Enterprise Plus CAL
Microsoft SharePoint
The Microsoft SharePoint report gives an overview of SharePoint servers and users found in the environment.
SharePoint Server Distribution
Displays a pie chart demonstrating the different editions of SharePoint Servers and a percentage of how many servers are associated with each edition.
SharePoint User Distribution
Displays a circle graph showing what percentage of users are associated with which roles.
SharePoint Servers
The chart shows details associated with each SharePoint Server, such as:
- Server
- Edition
- Version
- Enterprise
SharePoint Servers sheet
It has all the information from the SharePoint Servers table along with additional information on the host.
SharePoint Users sheet
Contains the information/columns of the SharePoint Users table.
SharePoint Users
This table shows all the users associated with each SharePoint Server. This table contains these columns:
- Username
- Role
- Access Count
- SharePoint Server
Usage Report
This table shows which machines are running which Java titles. This table contains these columns:
- *Blank* – contains an icon that lets you expand the information on each machine
- Process
- Application
- Name
- IP Address
- Operating System
- Model
- Manufacturer
- # of Cores
- Title
- Java Version
- Last Run
- Server? – Yes/no
Java Usage sheet
Contains all the information and columns from the Usage Report table.
All Processes sheet
Contains information on all the processes on each of the machines that are running Java.
Oracle Java SE
The Oracle Java SE Report gives an overview of the versions and licenses being used for Java SE in the customer’s environment.
Top 10 Oracle Java SE versions
Displays bar graph showing the top 10 by number of Oracle Java SE versions installed.
Applicable Java SE License
Displays a circle graph showing the percentage amounts of associated Java SE licenses.
Oracle Java SE Installations
The table shows details on which machines have Java products installed on them. This chart contains these columns:
- Computer Name
- Vendor
- Product
- Version
Oracle Databases
Oracle Database Instances by Version
The pie chart takes a look at the percentages of machines running each version of Oracle Database.
Oracle Database Instances by Edition
Displays a doughnut graph showing the percentage of machines running different database editions.
Oracle Databases
This table shows which machines are associated with Oracle Database instances. This table contains these columns:
- Host Name
- Oracle DB Instance
- Product
- Version
Database Servers sheet
This sheet contains all the information/columns from the Oracle Database table, and additional information related to the machine.
Database Options sheet
Contains all the same information/columns as the Database Options table.
Oracle Database Options
This table shows the options installed and used on each Oracle DB instance. This table contains:
- Host Name
- Oracle DB Instance
- Option
- Installed – Yes/no.
- Used – Yes/no.