Table Of Contents
All Hardware
SNMP Devices
Warranty Status
Hardware Refresh
EOX Status
Local Storage
Hardware Reports
All Hardware
This report lists out the OS type, manufacturer, model, serial number, and RAM for every device Block 64 has inventoried. This is a good overall view of the hardware in the environment.
SNMP Devices
SNMP Devices by OS
Displays a circle graph showing the percentage of devices running specific operating systems. Hover your cursor over each section of the graph to see the number of devices associated with each operating system.
SNMP Devices by Manufacturer
Displays a circle graph showing the percentage of devices associated with each manufacturer. Hover your cursor over each section of the graph to see the number of devices associated with each manufacturer.
All SNMP Devices
This table shows details on all SNMP devices inventoried. Click any device name for additional details on that device.
The export contains all the information and columns from the table. It also contains one additional column titled Parent Device Name.
Warranty Status
This report gives you an overview of all your hardware warranty statuses. There is a refresh warranty data button at the top of the page.
Important note: IBM & HP Warranty API Migration
After speaking with IBM, we have been informed that there is currently no public API to pull warranty data from their Call Home Connect Cloud service. IBM does not have a timeline for public / vendor access to a warranty API. Certain IBM devices (System x, Bladecenter, Netfinity) are now supported by the Lenovo Warranty API and we have adjusted our service accordingly.
Once we obtain more information from IBM regarding their API we will provide an update, until then IBM warranty collection is no longer supported (other than the devices mentioned above).
The same is true for HP warranties.
Warranty Status
Displays a bar graph showing how many days of warranty are left on inventoried devices or if they have expired warranty. Hover your cursor over each of the bars to see the number of devices associated with each warranty expiration time category.
All Warranty Info
Displays a table that shows details on each device and information regarding the warranty. Click any device name for additional details on that device. The export contains all the information and columns from the table.
Hardware Refresh
This report gives you an overview of device upgrade recommendations and the reasons for the recommendations. The hardware recommended are Microsoft Surface products.
Hardware Replacement Breakdown
This circle graph shows the percentage of devices that are recommended to be upgraded to each specific Surface device. Hover your cursor over each section of the graph to see the number of devices associated with each Surface device recommendation.
Current Hardware Model Breakdown Top 25 Models
This bar graph shows the number of devices associated with each device model. Hover your cursor over each section to see the number of devices associated with each hardware model.
Competitive Hardware Summary
The table for this report shows the number of devices associated with each model, the replacement suggested, and the rationale behind the recommendation.
The export contains the information and columns found in the table but instead of grouping devices together and counting the number of devices, each device is listed individually.
EOX Status
The EOX status report focuses on the end-of-life status of Cisco devices in the environment. By comparing known Cisco timelines to the data gathered, Block 64 can identify the status of these devices. This report is helpful for those looking to learn more around their Cisco devices.
End of Life Devices by Expiration
This graph displays the number of devices in each time frame until end-of-life category. The bar graph is color coded; green shows the devices with 3+ years of life on the far right, and red shows the number of devices with expired life on the far left. Hover your cursor over each of the bars to see the number of devices associated with each end-of-life time category.
All EOX Devices
This table shows a list of all devices and their end of support date. Clicking on the green plus button will expand the data on that device. This enables users to view data on the different components of the device.
The export contains all the information and columns from the table as well as one additional column titled Parent Device.
Local Storage
While inventorying a device, Block 64 is able to pull back the local storage of that device. This report visualizes this storage data. Customers concerned or interested in the state of their storage will find this report helpful.
Local Storage
The Local Storage report does not have a graph like other reports. Instead, it shows the a table that visualizes the current storage of each workload
The export contains all the information and columns from the table. It also includes two additional columns titled Manufacturer and Model.
Infrastructure Scorecard
This section of the combine is for configuring automatic delivery and generation of an infrastructure scorecard.
Infrastructure Scorecard
Displays a form style page where text box inputs are provided for representative name, representative email, subject line, message, frequency, day of, and mailing list. The save and delete buttons at the bottom of the page allow for saving or deleting the current entries. Clicking the Generate button will generate a .pdf report. This is the .pdf report that will be sent out to the mailing list on every occurrence of what the frequency is set to.
Infrastructure Scorecard .pdf
Page 1: Displays the partner logo associated with the customer, report title, customer name, representative name, partner name, date generated, and a confidentiality note.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information contained in this report document is for the exclusive use of the client specified above and may contain confidential, privileged, and non-disclosable information. If the recipient of this report is not the client or addressee, such recipient is strictly prohibited from reading, photocopying, distributing or otherwise using this report or its contents in any way.
Page 2: Displays the customer’s name, current total devices inventoried, devices by type (Windows, SNMP, ESX/VSphere, OSx, Linux, other), and risk factor.
Risk factor: “A weighted average taking into account all the categories detailed below. Each category is assigned a score out of ten, and the weighted average represents the organization's overall risk factor.”
Page 3: Displays device demographics showing a circle graph. The graph shows top ten most discovered operating systems. Below the chart there is also a little more detail on if the operating system information gathered is satisfactory or unsatisfactory and why.
Page 4: Displays licensable database instances showing a circle graph. The graph shows the top ten most discovered SQL Server versions. Beneath the circle graph, a rating of satisfactory or unsatisfactory is given based on how many instances have reached their end of support.
Page 5: Displays hardware standardization by showing a horizontal bar graph of warranty expiration. Beneath the graph there is a chart which lists warranty / maintenance coverage, end-of-life / end-of-support equipment, and hardware standardization. Each of these items are given a satisfactory, N/A or unsatisfactory rating and details why.
Page 6: Displays software security by showing a circle graph of the top ten vulnerable vendors discovered. There is also a bar graph showing the count of vulnerabilities per security level. Beneath this there is a chart which has items titled security vulnerabilities and missing antivirus. Both areas of software security are given an assessment with details listed.