Released: 2023-11-28 | Impacted Regions: All
New Features and Enhancements
- COM-4245 - Update Builder components - remove chapter background, padding, and drop shadow. Expand the widget width to be equal to the chapter. Ensure chapter and widget titles align to the left, and buttons align to the right.
- COM-4242 - Increase list and custom page elements to equal the width of the page header
- COM-4241 - Adjust page green header corner radius to match on all sides
- COM-4235 - Hide "show published only" text with a switch within the Deliverable builder list
- COM-4234 - Edit widget button change to green
- COM-4231 - Remove warning dialogue subtext across the UI.
- COM-4230 - Change the generation settings button verbiage to "Settings" and remove the "Generation Settings for - Deliverable title" field at the top of the modal
- COM-4226 - Generation settings menu UI updates
- COM-4223 - Currency symbol prefix change
- COM-4221 - Rename "Slingshot" to "Block 64 Discovery Agent"
- COM-4217 - Include RAM and CPU Data to AWS Report
- COM-4215 - Adjust PDF title page verbiage and add the date
- Add date information on the generated reports
- COM-4214 - Add footer text on the report snapshot HTML page, and on every page within the PDF export
- COM-4209 - Extend the Snapshot rendered with non-USD currency denominations
- Create AM charts by using the selected campaign currency denomination
- COM-4206 - Implement Dynamic PDF page height
- COM-4202 - Azure regions endpoint
- COM-4201 - Hide hyperlink button within text editor - does not function
- Optimize text editor toolbar options
- COM-4194 - Campaign AVD scenario types endpoint
- Assessment Manager scenario types endpoint
- COM-4192 - Implement Caching
- COM-4191 - Move fixCollations to on Import
- COM-4190 - ALL delete dialogues to match the design system (Delete button should be red)
- Fix UI on deleting dialogs
- COM-4189 - Update list items and header font sizes/weights
- Improve the UI on the builder and reports table
- COM-4187 - Show generating dialogue only on publishing
- Implement a faster report publishing process
- COM-4184 - Centre title & body text on "Generating" Dialogue box
- Improve UI on report publishing dialog
- COM-4183 - "Deliverables" header section corner radius change
- Improve top nav UI on builder and reports
- COM-4182 - Capitalize Infographic filer list items
- Fix the text and positioning of the chart type list dropdown
- COM-4181 - Update fonts within Deliverable Builder & Report screens
- COM-4178 - Add CTA to our Landing page to thank you slide for all PPT deliverables
- COM-4174 - Change verbiage within Assessment manager flow to "Report" - based on design
- COM-4150 - Region-based snapshot render job change
- Add a region-based snapshot rendering capability when publishing campaigns.
- COM-4119 - Generation settings front-end functionality
- COM-4102 - Preview campaign button icon displaying the wrong "Active" state color
- COM-4062 - Implement widget reordering (move up/down)
- COM-4051 - Implement missing UI features throughout the system
- COM-4232 - Combine login failing when attempting to log in with a new user account
- COM-4204 - Manual AD User import not working
- COM-4250 - Text content within a section should align left with the section/chapter title
- COM-4249 - Align the "Section Title" field left with the "Chapter title" field on the single section widget. Same as how it's displayed on the 3-section widget.
- COM-4248 - Change "No campaigns available" to "No reports available"
- COM-4246 - Adjust builder and add widget/chapter functionality - add buttons beside each other and below the last widget in a chapter
- COM-4244 - Remove padding drop shadow and background from the report chapter section. Add uniform corner radius to chapter headers. Expand the widget width to the full size of the chapter section. Left-align chapter and widget titles.
- COM-4240 - "Custom Visuals" report page menu header does not align with other headers
- COM-4238 - Remove redundant titling from the custom report page "deliverables" section
- COM-4237 - Remove "report" on the "preview report button within the custom report page
- COM-4236 - Remove "Deliverable" and "Report" from header titles within the list views