Released: 2024-01-16 | Impacted Regions: All
New Features
- COM-4409 - Change placeholder logo verbiage from "Campaign Logo" to "Report Logo"
- COM-4396 - Infographic translation functionality (STWA)
- COM-4373 - The user should not be able to resize sections within a deliverable when in preview mode
- COM-4357 - Builder/Report content max width
- COM-4349 - Separate the VM storage Data from the VM details in the Azure VM report
- COM-4309 - App tour using React Joyride
- COM-4287 - Report title page
- COM-4284 - Add an undo button for the deliverable builder
- COM-4283 - Implement table functionality for current textbox component OR alternative options
- COM-4280 - Implement Entra ID collection on Combine
- COM-4158 - Add data to Demo Customer (Read only)
- COM-3973 - Create an AWS VM credentials page on the Combine
- COM-3933 - Azure Inventory Subscription Display Enhancement
- The Subscription ID column has been updated to show the Subscription name on both the Azure Advisor and Virtual Machines Combine pages.
- COM-3307 - Update Java licensing report
- COM-4405 - Font sizes, spacing, and weight do not match in a text editor and report views
- COM-4369 - Fix Error when attempting to Export - SQL Server License Mapper
- COM-4351 - Copilot Deliverable Summary Slide
- COM-4341 - "Normal" text size menu being cut off by widget border
- COM-4319 - Edit User - Error page shown on save user
- COM-4264 - Combine Graphs not showing percentage labels
- COM-4250 - Text content within a section should align with the left section/chapter title