Released: 2024-02-13 | Impacted Regions: All
New Features
- COM-4531 - Unlock the Copilot Readiness deliverable
- COM-4450 - "Create new" and "Delete selected" buttons aligned right with the rest of UI elements in full screen or resized
- COM-4447 - Report typeface "inconsolata" font needs to persist on the title page
- COM-4537 - Campaign logo being stretched in Cloud Only user creation email
- COM-4490 - Discovery Agent Deployment Issues
- COM-4460 - There are many data written "NaN" on the Optimization Advisor V2
- COM-4457 - Resize section feature changes dividers when in preview or edit mode
- COM-4259 - ACE and OA percentage metrics showing as negative
- COM-4220 - Change move widget buttons to match design - aligns right with other components