Released: 2024-02-28 | Impacted Regions: All
New Features
- COM-4549 - Make English only Copilot available for other languages that the combine support
- COM-4437 - Include all the AWS Regions in the as a Multi-select
- COM-4424 - Remove Discovery Agent v1 EXE and MSI URLs from Customer Manager
- COM-4419 - App tour elements Help switch
- COM-4558 - M365 > License Usage and Secure Scores Missing
- COM-4548 - Reports with no metrics breaks publishing
- COM-4530 - CoPilot Deliverable metric should be "%" not points
- COM-4526 - Investigate AM PDF export Chart placeholder size scale
- COM-4483 - User not able to click edit and enter text under Deliverable Builder
- COM-4270 - Dependency Mapping Not showing