Released: 2024-07-31 | Impacted Regions: All
New Features
- COM-5111 - Add a sheet to SharePoint export for CRE Slide 6
- COM-5109 - Add valid sensitivity label filetype count to ODSP job
- COM-5108 - Implement the Copilot Readiness Assessment Deliverable
- COM-5033 - Implement the Copilot Readiness Evaluation Deliverable
- COM-5053 - Update cloud-only dashboard to support copilot
- COM-5052 - Improve the views and exports for Office Apps usage through graph API
- COM-4957 - Ability for different level Users to manage their API tokens
- Self-management of API tokens is now available for Customer-level Users, enabling them to easily create, edit, and revoke tokens as needed.
- COM-5115 - Software Library changes are not showing on the dashboard
- COM-5114 - SharePoint Discovery Failure in M365
- COM-5110 - Site Manager Export Failing as level 1.0 or above User
- COM-5084 - OneDrive/SharePoint sensitivity label miscounts
- COM-5079 - Multiple M365 data missing due to import
- COM-5078 - "Software Metering" report not loading
- COM-5059 - Optimization Advisor Spanish PPTX breaking charts for all customers
- COM-5057 - B64 Deployments current step stuck on "Data ready for report"
- COM-5045 - Review Dashboard Data and AD inventoried devices
- COM-5001 - Vulnerability data review
- COM-4969 - Software inventories and related vulnerabilities review