Nmap, or "Network Mapper," is a highly effective and adaptable open-source tool designed for network discovery and security auditing. Our discovery tools, Block64 Discovery Application and BlockBox Appliance, utilize Nmap for operating system (OS) fingerprinting.
Nmap employs a method known as TCP/IP stack fingerprinting to identify the operating system of a target device. It sends a series of TCP and UDP packets to an IP address, aiming to precisely determine the type of endpoint. This capability allows our tools to conduct targeted scans of endpoints, thereby enhancing the efficiency and speed of the scanning process. OS fingerprinting facilitates smarter inventory management and more accurate data collection. However, if you experience unusually high network traffic during scanning, you can disable the OS Fingerprinting feature in both the BlockBox appliance and Block64 Application.
Disabling OS Finger printing in Block64 Discovery Application
Please go to the settings page of the Discovery application and select the Inventory Scope Blade from the left, scroll down to the Scanning section and you will see the OS Fingerprinting toggle button
Disabling OS Finger printing in BlockBox Appliance
Please go to the Discovery Settings page from the Settings and scroll down to the Scanning Settings section and you will see the OS Fingerprinting toggle button