What is Azure AKS in Combine?
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a managed container orchestration service provided by Microsoft Azure. It allows organizations to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes without the complexity of managing the underlying infrastructure. AKS simplifies Kubernetes deployment and operations, providing automated scaling, updates, and integration with Azure's ecosystem.
The Azure AKS report in the Combine platform provides valuable visibility into an organization's Kubernetes infrastructure. Understanding AKS clusters, their lifecycle, and node pools is crucial to:
- Ensure compliance with version support policies.
- Optimize cluster resources for cost efficiency.
- Identify clusters approaching end-of-life and plan upgrades.
- Monitor the overall health and availability of AKS deployments.
This Azure AKS report can be found in the following path in Combine:
Cloud Reports > Azure Management > AKS
Overview of the Azure AKS Tab
The Azure AKS tab provides a comprehensive report that includes:
- AKS Kubernetes Versions
This pie chart visualizes the distribution of Kubernetes versions across all deployed AKS clusters.
It helps identify the percentage of clusters running on different versions, allowing users to spot outdated versions that may require updates.
- Support Lifecycle
This bar chart categorizes AKS clusters based on their support status:
- Preview (Blue): Experimental or beta versions.
- General Availability (Green): Fully supported and production-ready versions.
- End of Life (Red): Versions that are no longer supported and may pose security risks.
This visualization assists in maintaining compliance and planning timely upgrades.
- Azure AKS Clusters
This exportable data grid provides detailed information about all registered AKS clusters, including:
- Subscription: The Azure subscription under which the cluster is deployed.
- Resource Group: The Azure resource group associated with the cluster.
- Cluster Name: The name of the AKS cluster.
- Status: The operational status of the cluster.
- Location: The Azure region where the cluster is deployed.
- Version: The Kubernetes version currently running.
- Version Preview: The date the Kubernetes version was made available for preview.
- Version General Availability: The date the Kubernetes version reached general availability.
- Version EOL: The end-of-life date for the Kubernetes version.
- Tags: Metadata associated with the cluster, such as automation and environment details.
- AKS Pricing Tier: The pricing tier associated with the AKS cluster.
- Auto Upgrade: Indicates whether automatic upgrades are enabled for the cluster.
- Private Cluster: Specifies if the cluster is private.
- Authorized IP Ranges: Lists IP ranges authorized to access the cluster.
- Kubernetes RBAC Enabled: Indicates if Kubernetes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is enabled.
- Azure RBAC Enabled: Specifies whether Azure RBAC is enabled for the cluster.
- Azure AKS Node Pools
This section provides insights into node pools within AKS clusters, detailing:
- Pool Name: The identifier for the node pool.
- Cluster Name: The associated AKS cluster.
- Power State: Whether the node pool is running or stopped.
- Kubernetes Version: The version of Kubernetes running on the node pool.
- Mode: Indicates if the pool is in system or user mode.
- Nodes: The number of nodes within the pool.
By leveraging the insights provided in this report, organizations can effectively manage their Azure AKS infrastructure, maintain compliance, and optimize resource usage.