What are Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets in Combine?
Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) is a service that allows you to create and manage a group of identical, load-balanced virtual machines. With VMSS, you can easily scale applications based on demand, ensuring high availability and automatic scaling of resources.
The Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets report in the Combine platform provides valuable insights into an organization's VM infrastructure. It helps to:
- Monitor the provisioning status of VM scale sets.
- Analyze the distribution of VM profiles across environments.
- Optimize resource allocation for cost efficiency.
- Identify potential failures and take proactive actions.
- Export data for compliance and reporting purposes.
This Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets report can be found in the following path in Combine:
Cloud Reports > Azure Management > Virtual Machine Scale Sets
Overview of the Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets Report
The Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets report provides a comprehensive view with the following sections:
- Provisioning Status
This pie chart visualizes the current provisioning status of VM scale sets. It provides a breakdown of successful vs. failed deployments.
- Succeeded (Green): Indicates successful VM scale set provisioning.
- Failed (Red): Highlights instances where provisioning encountered issues.
- Virtual Machine Profiles
- This pie chart represents the distribution of virtual machine profiles across scale sets.
- Helps in identifying the most used VM profiles within the organization.
- Different VM sizes and configurations are categorized for better understanding.
- Example VM profiles such as Standard_DS2_v2, Standard_B1s, Standard_D2as_v4.
- Virtual Machine Scale Sets
This exportable data grid provides detailed information about all registered VM scale sets, including:
- Subscription: The Azure subscription under which the VM scale set is deployed.
- Resource Group: The Azure resource group associated with the VM scale set.
- Name: The name of the VM scale set.
- Location: The Azure region where the scale set is deployed.
- Profile: Specifies the VM profile type.
- vCPU: Number of virtual CPUs allocated.
- RAM (GB): Memory allocated to each instance.
- Operating System: OS running on the VM instances.
- Provisioning Status: Indicates whether the scale set provisioning succeeded or failed.
- Orchestration Mode: Defines whether the VM instances are managed uniformly or flexibly.
- Instances: Number of VM instances within the scale set.
Additional insights about the Disks and the Extension can be found in the exportable file, which provides detailed information on the configuration and setup of these components within the VM Scale Set.
By utilizing the insights provided in this report, organizations can effectively manage their Azure VM scale sets, ensure availability, and optimize resource usage for better performance and cost savings.